# Development

# Sandbox

When you are developing a shopping cart or any other payment implementation, sometimes is not necesary to create a real payment flow, for that reason is the sandbox driver, to simulate any payment or customer but in a save enviroment without touching any external API.

By default, sandbox is set without doing anything, but if you want manually configure this service driver, in your Kirby configuration file config.php add:

return [
    'beebmx.kirby-pay.service' => 'sandbox'

# Webhook

If you are using the sandbox driver you can still try a webhook. Just send a POST request to the webhook URL with the call of the webhook:

  "type": "test.webhook"

You will receive this response:

    "message": "Webhook Received"


The test.webhook will request for the last payment created. If you don't have any, you will get an error.

# Hook

If you need to try a hook, you can do it with the test.webhook. In your Kirby's config.php just add:

return [
    'hooks' => [
        'beebmx.kirby-pay.test.webhook' => function ($payment) {
            //Test your code

# Logs

When you are working with webhooks, sometimes you need to check the response of the webhook or maybe you just want to store all the events in your server. To achieve this, you only need to enable the logs option in your config.php file:

return [
    'beebmx.kirby-pay.logs' => true,

This logs will be shown in the development section when the configuration is enable.


Check the webhook configuration to enable this option.