# Styles

# Style list

This package comes with pre-build forms for diferent type of snippets. By default, all forms are trying to mimic your colors and typography styles. All forms are just suggest, and you can customize them with your own styles or with any framework.

These are the style options than you can customize:

Option Default
form kp-form
fieldset kp-fieldset
background kp-bg-white
text kp-text-current
text-inverse kp-text-white
field kp-field
label kp-label
input kp-input
select kp-select
button kp-button
button-disabled kp-button-disabled
error kp-text-red
errors kp-errors
alert kp-alert
payment-selector kp-payment-selector
methods kp-payment-methods
radio kp-radio
radio-label kp-radio-label
radio-header kp-radio-label-header
radio-body kp-radio-label-body
title kp-title
col kp-method-column
alert-icon <svg fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">...</svg>

# Update styles

To update the default styles, just add the options you need in your config.php file:

return [
    'beebmx.kirby-pay.styles' => [
        'button' => 'button-primary button-block button-small',
        'background' => 'background-white',

# Examples

Kirby Pay doesn't depend on any framework since it comes with their own styles, but if you need to integrate with your own styles or framework, here's some examples on how you can do implement that:

# Tailwind

return [
    'beebmx.kirby-pay.styles' => [
        'button' => 'bg-blue-500 text-white rounded-sm appearance-none px-3 py-2 w-full',
        'background' => 'bg-white',

Also see:

# Bootstrap

return [
    'beebmx.kirby-pay.styles' => [
        'button' => 'btn btn-primary btn-block',
        'background' => 'bg-white',

Also see:

# Bulma

return [
    'beebmx.kirby-pay.styles' => [
        'button' => 'button is-primary is-fullwidth',
        'background' => 'has-background-white',

Also see: